Navjyoti Global Foundation NGO

Skill Development

Skill Development of Widows & Single Mother

Based on our survey and experience, Widows at various places are struggling big  time for the livelihood of their family. They are bound to live at a earning of Rs.  2500/- per month. Also the same case goes with single mother who have been  divorced and she is no skill to earn livelihood have been struggling big time in the  society.  We did the CSR project with Powerlinks on skilling 100 Widows at  Varanasi and given good outcome. The Sewing machine were handedover to each  women and once they learnt the SHG were made. Today all these women are  independent and earning their livelihood. Navjyoti has also given them work to  stitch uniform for few schools and training centres. They have been registered on  Amazon Saheli and other online platform. Today their life has been changed and  living happily.  We are looking to replicate the same success stories with your  esteemed organization. Initially we would look forward for skilling 500 widows at  different 2-3 districts.

Skill Development for Tribal Area Youth

Transform lives of people of tribal areas by providing them with a cohesive and unified learning platform with  earning opportunities, thereafter. Lots of people travel abroad for earning good money and for better  livelihood. They transfer lots of money back at home for their families which increases the spending power in  India. Similarly people at Tribal area when they will come to Delhi/NCR it  will be just like foreign for  them. They will also learn, grow and help their families back at home. This will develop them socially,  culturally, economically. On the other hand it will give boost to BPO who have been struggling with  sustainability of manpower. High attrition, competitive pricing and insincerity in local people have been really  hitting it hard. Therefore getting people from tribal area will work 02 Oxygen for them. At the time same it  will develop the Tribal area. We look forward to train approx.. 500 youth along with residential training.

Skill Development of Speech & Hearing Impaired Youth

Navjyoti Global Solutions Pvt Ltd has been imparting skill development training to Specially Abled students  from over four years. It has covered disabilities like, Blind,   Locomotors and Speech & Hearing  Impaired. During training to Speech & Hearing Impaired it has been observed that they don’t know how to  read and write in Hindi or English. They have sign language for communication among their community,  however when it comes to employment they really struggle to work and they can’t read and write Hindi &  English at their job place. Even though we can see multiple success stories given by SHI along with  acceptability in the industry however there have been a severe challenge in terms of retention in the job and  growth of such people. Therefore we propose to work on this category to skill and place them. We propose to  add additional hours for their training on Soft Skills + Cultural + Sign Language + Job Role Specific QP bas5ed  training. We look forward to train approx.. 500 such students with residential facility.

Entrepreneurship Development Program certified by NIESBUD

Unemployment needs to be mitigated from multi directions. Development Self-Entrepreneurs is the need of the hours. Govt. of India has taken multiple steps to boost the Startup India, Standup India and granted multiple loans under MSME and other schemes. Our youth are taking loans but failing to run the business due to lack of complete knowledge. To spread the awareness to coach to mentor youth to enable them to take calculated risk and start own business is the need of the hour. We are NIESBUD partner and will drive this under multiple channels. You may kindly contribute for this training so that we can motivate youth, train them on various skills, do the handholding, mentor them, make SHG (Self-Help-Group) so that they start own and generate new jobs in the market. Out of 100 new startups, there is a possibility of atleast 200 (minimum) new jobs.

Self Defense Training to Women (This can generate 1 million jobs in India)

Lots of efforts are going around women empowerment and it has really impacted to an extent. However lots more to be done to safeguard, protect and ensure safety and freedom of women. We have a solutions which will make women more powerful, healthier, safer and multidimensional benefits for the humanity. We look forward for your contribution for self defense training linked with employability of women. This can cerate approx. 1 million new jobs in India and India can become the best source for providing skilling women manpower to the world. Please join us to make women more powerful.

Two Wheeler –Women Delivery Executive

There is a high demand in the industry for women Delivery executives. Ecommerce has transformed the way consumers shop in India in the past few years, supported by an increase in Internet and smartphone penetration, a rise in digital literacy, and the government’s digital push. India’s ecommerce market to grow by 21.5% in 2022. Delivery Executive is also expected to grow at rapid pace. As per the current scenario the Delivery Executives are dominated by men. However there is a huge shortage of women two wheelers delivery executive. If proper road map is shown along with training assistance and loan assistance, women would be ready to take up this opportunity and will fill the gap of demand and supply. They can be given the electric scooter to deliver the product. There is a very high demand for women two wheelers drivers. The demand is growing and promises job and long terms careers. Women can even work part time and still can earn respectable amount. Therefore proposing the Women Two Wheeler Delivery Associate job role.

Drone Pilot Training

We have just started training youth on Drone pilot and assembly line training. This has 100% committed placement. Short term training is creating lots of jobs in the Industry. Students from various parts of India are getting engaged into Farming Pesticides spray etc. Looking forward for your attention into this new domain.

Our Development Program

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This building is used for the skill development of Divyangjan.  This centre can accommodate approx.  360 students at one go.  It has rejuvenation centre, rest rooms etc whereby they get best possible environment of learning.